Helping The Hurt Blog

What You Need To Do After A Bicycle Accident

Written by Helping the Hurt Team | Nov 7, 2019 2:17:53 PM

Car accidents are scary.

The initial shock of the accident, dealing with injuries, working with insurance companies, fixing or replacing your car, filing a personal injury can all be very overwhelming.

When you are on a bicycle, and you get into an accident with a car, everything is amplified.

When you ride your bicycle, you are 100% vulnerable and at the mercy of every car, truck, and van on the road.

There is absolutely nothing protecting you from the other cars and the pavement below your tires.

Fortunately, most bicycle accidents don't involve cars.

When you are involved in an accident riding your bike, it's important to stay alert and focused after the crash, if at all possible.

The actions you take immediately following the accident can have a huge impact on how much you are able to recover for your injuries and the damage done to your bike.

Your actions will also be a factor in the outcome of any lawsuits that are filed.

In the article below, we will talk about what you need to do immediately following an accident on your bicycle.

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Call The Police

The very first thing you need to do is call the police and wait for them to arrive.

Stay at the scene of the accident so they can file a police report, even if you think you aren't injured.

Due to adrenaline and other factors, some injuries won't be apparent until hours or days after the accident.

And minor injuries, when left untreated, can turn into serious health issues.

You shouldn't try to negotiate with the other driver without calling the police.

Most drivers will apologize and accept blame right after the accident, only to change their story completely when asked about it later on.

That's why you need to wait for the police to come so everything can be documented in their report.

They might even ticket the driver, which will help settle your case with the insurance companies.

And if the other driver tries to flee the scene, try to get their license plate number and any additional identifying information so you can give it to the police.

Once they leave the scene, they've committed a hit and run, which is a very serious offense.

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Exchange Information

If it's possible, you need to exchange information with the driver of the automobile.

Get their name, phone number, address, license plate number, and insurance information.

You should also get the same information from everyone who witnessed the accident.

The more information you have, the better your chances are of receiving full compensation.

The police will likely do this as well but never assume as much.

Always get this information on your own, just in case it isn't included in the police report for whatever reason.

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Document Everything

If you can, make mental notes about the accident. If you have a pen and paper to jot this information down, even better.

Take note of what actually happened, how it happened, where it happened, when it happened, road conditions, traffic, and weather conditions.

Every little detail could be pivotal in having a successful claim.

You should also write down how your body is feeling.

Seek immediate medical attention even if your injuries feel minor, or you don't feel injured at all.

Seeking medical attention right after the accident will serve as proof that you were injured in the accident, and your medical records will show significant the injuries are.

Take several photos of your injuries as soon as possible after the accident.

If your injuries are bad enough, start a journal of your physical symptoms and update it every few days, or when symptoms change.

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Preserve All Evidence

After the accident, leave your bicycle and any other damaged property just as they are.

Don't move or attempt to fix anything.

Don't wash your clothes until their condition has been documented.

Don't let anyone besides your attorney have your bike, helmet, or any other equipment you had during the accident.

Take pictures of everything just as it was immediately after the accident.

This will help out your personal injury claim a great deal.

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Get Help From A Personal Injury Attorney

All accidents are going to involve complex legal issues, especially those involving a car and bicycle.

It will be in your best interest to consult with a personal injury attorney with experience with such cases.

They will be able to help you:

  • Tell you how you should proceed
  • Guide you through the process
  • Negotiate with the insurance companies
  • Represent you in a lawsuit

You don't want to speak with any insurance companies before you talk with your attorney.

You should let your attorney speak with the insurance companies because anything you say to the insurance companies can be used against you later.

Most personal injury cases are settled outside of the courtroom, and your attorney will negotiate for you to be sure that you get the compensation you deserve.

If you've been involved in a bicycle accident, you should reach out to Helping The Hurt.

The lawyers at Helping The Hurt won't stop until they have negotiated an adequate settlement for you.

They are not hesitant to go to court if your case warrants it and will not back down from prominent insurance companies.

They've helped thousands of clients get the results they deserve, and they are prepared to help you today.

Click the button below to get started.

The Original Article Is Here